From markaf@MIT.EDU Thu Feb 5 09:38:39 2004 Date: Thu, 5 Feb 2004 09:38:01 -0500 (EST) From: Mark Alan Finlayson To: 6.050-students@MIT.EDU Subject: You have been subscribed to the 6.050-students mailing list Hello, If you have recieved this message, you are now subscribed to the mailing list. Most likely this has happened because either (a) yesterday you filled out a signup form at the first meeting of 2.110/6.050 Information and Entropy, taught by Professors Penfield and Wyatt, (b) you pre-registered for this class, or (c) both. Hopefully you are registered for the course and are eager to begin! However, if you have been added to this list by mistake, or if you have decided to drop the class, please email me, Mark Finlayson, the 2.110/6.050 TA and administrator of the list. This list will serve to communicate timely and important information regarding the class. It is an open list, anyone can send email to it, and you are welcome to email the list if it is appropriate. Please be aware, though, that everyone involved in the course is on the list, including the professors, myself, and the course secretary. Thus, you should be careful and respectful of sending email to the list. If you have a question or comment relevant to the class as a whole, feel free to email the list. However, if only a few people would be interested in your message, please take pains to email only them individually. And, also, please be careful to avoid the common "Reply All" error, when you mean only to respond to someone individually. All traffic on this list will be archived on the 6.050 website at the URL Thus if you want to review messages that have been sent out on this list, consult that page. If you wish to contact just the staff of the course, the appropriate list to use is Electronic submissions of homeworks and other material should use the address. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me, call, or stop by and chat. Welcome aboard and I'm looking forward to a great semester! Mark -------------- Mark Finlayson Teaching Assistant for 2.110J/6.050J office: 38-344c email: phone: 617.452.2845 mobile: 617.515.0708