[labnetwork] Mask writing capabilities

Mark M Crain mark.crain at louisville.edu
Wed Nov 5 14:49:25 EST 2008


I am interested in getting input from the various labs on their mask writing systems.  I would like to get a response to the following questions from anyone interested in participating in a survey.  I will post a summary to LABNETWORK early next week.  Anyone willing to share information but wanting anonymity, please just let me know.

1) What type of system do you primarily use for making photomasks?
(Send out files, Flash, laser writing, E beam, other)

2) What system do you wish you had? (type, make, model, options, etc)

3) For those with or looking for a laser writing system.  What companies and models did you investigate?
(Micronic (Swedish), Heideleberg, Microtech, other)

4) Does your system provide a sufficient resolution for most users?  What is the best resolution, minimum feature size?

5) Does the system provide sufficient throughput for the lab?  What is the typical throughput?

6) How do you develop your masks? (in a pyrex pan, with a spin developer, other)

7) How do you etch your metal layer? (wet etch manual, wet etch automation, plasma etch, other)

8) is your facility primarily defined as academic, national lab, or commercial?

I appreciate the time and effort in replies.  
Best Regards


Mark Crain
Cleanroom Manager
University of Louisville
BRB room 233
2210 South Brook Street
Louisville KY 40208
Phone 502/852-1572
Fax 502/852-8128

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