[labnetwork] Toxic Gas Monitoring System Survey

Mary Tang mtang at stanford.edu
Wed Feb 18 01:13:38 EST 2009

Dear Labnetwork Members --

We're taking a good, hard look at our toxic gas monitoring systems here 
at the Stanford Nanofab -- and are wondering what other University 
facilities do for monitoring.  We've spoken with several other 
facilities informally, but thought a survey might be a more systematic 
way of gathering information -- and if the discussions we've had so far 
are any indication, might be of general interest to many of those on 
this list working with life safety systems.

So, we've put together a survey consisting of 20 questions, mostly of 
the button-click type, but with plenty of opportunity for comment.  We 
would really appreciate your inputs.  If people are willing, we'll post 
results to this list.  The survey link is here:


Just a bit of background:  Our TGO system was designed and specified 
some years ago.  Some of the modules are no longer supported or are in 
danger of becoming obsolete.  The technology has improved since then, 
but there still does not seem to be a simple solution to our needs for 
reliability, ease of maintenance, and need for research flexibility.  
Our needs are certainly not unique, and we are hoping to learn from your 
collective experience.

And if you'd rather not participate in a survey but are willing to share 
your experiences, please do give me a call -- advice, comments, and 
suggestions are appreciated!




Mary X. Tang, Ph.D.
Process Manager
Stanford Nanofabrication Facility
420 Via Palou Mall
Stanford, CA.  94305-4070

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