[labnetwork] Flow Meters and/or Flow Computers for tracking distributed nitrogen usage?

John Shott shott at stanford.edu
Fri Aug 19 16:51:59 EDT 2011


Like many facilities, I suspect, we have a single LN2 tank that is used 
for delivery of gaseous nitrogen to the entire building.  While our 
shared laboratory is undoubtedly the largest user of that nitrogen, 
there are also a number of private labs in the building that consume 
nitrogen.  Because they do not pay for it, however, they have little 
incentive to conserve nitrogen.  Additionally, because we don't have 
great metering of our own nitrogen usage, we probably use more than we 
should in our facility.

Do any of you have experience with either totalizing flow meters and/or 
flow computers that can be used for tracking nitrogen flow and usage at 
15 or 20 distributed points that end up communicating to a central data 
collection point?

Any experience with systems of this type would be greatly appreciated.



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