[labnetwork] TMAH

Matthieu Nannini, Dr. matthieu.nannini at mcgill.ca
Thu May 19 08:28:46 EDT 2011

Here's an article relating the tragic event.

Le 2011-05-18 à 17:10, Sweeney, John a écrit :

I am at a SESHA conference in AZ this week. One talk that stirred me to decide not to use concentrated(25%) tmah in the cns cleanroom at harvard was a talk by an IBM toxicologist about the toxicity of 25%TMAH. Recently a 22 year old worker had some TMAH sprayed onto his body and he immediately showered and died within 8 hours. The rat studies on TMAH showed that it only takes 0.5mls/kg to kill the rats. If you extrapolate that up to humans it only takes about 25mls to be poured onto the body and it could be lethal. Concentrated TMAH is HF without an anecdote.
If interested you can email me with questions.


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