[labnetwork] Intercom / Paging System

Ryan Taylor ryant at nanofab.utah.edu
Tue Jul 2 16:50:29 EDT 2013

Hi Everyone,

I'm looking for suggestions for an intercom or paging system for use in 
our cleanroom.  Does anybody here have any experience with specific 
vendors/products that you would recommend or that you would suggest 
avoiding?  I'm sure the use cases are pretty obvious and universal, but 
these are the scenarios that I'm trying to address:

Possible Use Cases:
1. I am a PI working from my office.  I want to contact a researcher 
(Jane Doe) in the cleanroom.  I pick up my phone, dial 555-555-5555 and 
receive a prompt telling me that my voice is now being broadcast through 
out the cleanroom.  I say "Jane Doe, please call me back at ...." and 
wait to receive a call.

or 2. I go to http://www.nanofab.utah.edu/pager (for example).  I am 
presented with a form that allows me to enter a short message.  The 
message is then displayed on an LED scrolling sign in the lab for 
several minutes to an hour.

Thanks for sharing your ideas and experiences!


Ryan Taylor
Software Systems Development Engineer
University of Utah Nanofab
Phone: (801) 587-0671
Email: ryant at nanofab.utah.edu

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