[labnetwork] service contracts ...

Lynn Rathbun rathbun at cnf.cornell.edu
Tue Mar 26 21:11:01 EDT 2013

We did this once for our SEMs.  Different company, at least a 
different name. It is basically an insurance arrangement. It was a 
disaster.  Service was OK, but there was a dispute about billing 
between the sem company and the insurance company and we got stuck in 
the middle. Company refused to pay so the SEM company refused to 
service our SEMs.   We ended up dropping them despite having to pay a penalty.

At 02:39 PM 3/26/2013 -0500, you wrote:

>Dear All,
>We have been hearing about a company called Remi Group
>that appears to offer a lower cost for service contracts.
>They act as a intermediary between the customer and
>the tool vendor. As such they bet that the tool will not
>break down enough to make service calls more expensive
>than standard service contracts.
>Have you any experiences you can share with this company?
>Thank you,
>Leonidas E Ocola, PhD
>Center for Nanoscale Materials
>Argonnne National Laboratory
>Bldg 440, Rm A129
>9700 South Cass Avenue, Argonne, IL 60439
>Ph: 630-252-6613
>Fax: 630-252-5739
>labnetwork mailing list
>labnetwork at mtl.mit.edu

Dr. Lynn Rathbun                                        Rathbun at cnf.cornell.edu
NNIN  Deputy Director                   (607)-254-4872
CNF Laboratory Manager
Duffield Hall                                                (607)-255-8601 Fax
University                                       (607)-592-1549 Work Cell
Ithaca, New York 14853                     (607)-342-1880 Personal Cell

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