[labnetwork] electricla code ...

ocola ocola at anl.gov
Thu Sep 18 11:15:45 EDT 2014

Dear All,

I am in need of relatively urgent help.

We need to know what electrical code is used
in your cleanrooms for connecting tools.

We have a situation here where the electrical
engineer insists that following NEPA code he
must consider the tools as "appliances" and
that the disconnect boxes must be inside the
bay next to the tool.
(The boxes with pull down levers).

I have never seen this in any cleanroom I have visited.
I believe they are all in the chase.

Can you please ask your electrical engineers and
find out ?

Thank you



Leonidas E Ocola, PhD
Center for Nanoscale Materials
Argonne National Laboratory
9700 South Cass Avenue
Bldg 440, Rm A129

Email: ocola at anl.gov
Phone: 630-252-6613
Fax :  630-252-5739

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