[labnetwork] Atomic-layer etching Si in a standard ICP reactor

bryan cord bcord at umn.edu
Fri Jun 5 10:18:04 EDT 2015

Hi Everyone,

I was wondering if anybody had experience with running a basic Cl-based 
atomic-layer etching process of silicon in a standard plasma etcher.  
I'm thinking of trying to add it to our Oxford ICP tool as a standard 
process; if anyone's done or is doing something similar, could you post 
some process specifics?  I've got a basic outline worked out from 
literature references but it will probably need a lot of tweaking to 
actually work in our tool.



Bryan Cord
Minnesota Nano Center (MNC)
University of Minnesota
115 Union St SE, Rm 153
Minneapolis, MN 55455
612.626.3287 (work)
857.891.6820 (cell)
bcord at umn.edu

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