[labnetwork] Fab Positions in Seattle

Michael Khbeis khbeis at uw.edu
Tue Oct 20 19:43:50 EDT 2015

Dear Lab Network, 

We have several postings for openings both in the WNF fab and with our clients for Sr. and Jr. Engineers with the biggest immediate need being an etch engineer. Also looking for more technicians and even an administrative assistant. Please let me know if you have interest in these positions as the job postings take a few days to show up on our hiring website. 


Dr. Michael Khbeis
Associate Director, Washington Nanofabrication Facility (WNF) 
National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network (NNIN)
University of Washington
Fluke Hall, Box 352143
(O) 206.543.5101
(F) 206.221.1681
(C) 443.254.5192
khbeis at uw.edu

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