[labnetwork] H202 mixture chemical waste

Jugessur, Aju S aju-jugessur at uiowa.edu
Fri Dec 9 11:34:53 EST 2016


I need some advice on waste disposal and management of the following chemical mixtures:

1.  1 mM AgNO3 and 0.5 vol% HF

2.      12.5 vol% HF, 3 vol% H2O2 and 84.5% deionized (DI) water

3.      5ml HF,  30ml H2O2 , 48ml H2O/4.8g C4H6O6 (10%)

When we place the above mixtures (2,3) in waste bottles, they still generate some gases. E&HS refuses to pick up these wastes until the reaction is complete.

It can take a while for the reaction to stop releasing any gases and as a result the waste bottles sit in our lab for a while until they are picked up. It is also not practical

and safe to keep opening the bottles to release the gas. We are also running out of space to keep the waste bottles.

I was wondering if there is a better way of managing these specific chemical waste and also, whether there is a safe and cost-effective way to stop the reactions (2,3) before we have them picked up by E&HS. A quick search suggests Oxalic acid to quench

the H202 but we have a mixture of H202 with other chemicals.




Aju Jugessur Ph.D.
Director, University of Iowa Microfabrication Facility
Professor (Adj.), Physics and Astronomy
OSTC, Iowa Advanced Technology Labs
University of Iowa

205 N. Madison St
Iowa City, IA 52242
319 -353-2342
aju-jugessur at uiowa.edu

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