[labnetwork] NiFe 81-19 Sputtering Request

Michael Khbeis khbeis at uw.edu
Sun Jun 19 00:39:36 EDT 2016

Dear Colleagues

We have an issue sputtering NiFe in our Lesker PVD75. The target runs fine for burn-in and a few runs but then can't maintain a plasma (DC 800W). 

Does anyone have an idea what causes relatively rapid failure in maintaining plasma with this specific material? I doubt the target is worn that fast. 

Also, we have a client that urgently needs some depositions. Is there a site willing to take on the task while we troubleshoot our system?


Dr. Michael Khbeis
Washington Nanofab Facility
University of Washington
Fluke Hall, Box 352143
(O) 206.543.5101
(C) 443.254.5192
khbeis at uw.edu
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