[labnetwork] LiF evaporation

Michael Khbeis khbeis at uw.edu
Thu Mar 24 13:08:28 EDT 2016

Dear Colleagues and Friends, 

Would anyone be willing to share their pre and post evaporation protocols/SOPs for evaporating hazardous compounds? A user needs LiF that has an exposure limit of 3.5mg/m^3. I am not too worried about chamber walls as they are only depositing <10nm and capping with another film. How about contamination around the hearth and crucible? Load and unload with respirators? Etc


Dr. Michael Khbeis
Associate Director, Washington Nanofabrication Facility (WNF) 
National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure (NNCI)
University of Washington
Fluke Hall, Box 352143
(O) 206.543.5101
(F) 206.221.1681
(C) 443.254.5192
khbeis at uw.edu

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