[labnetwork] launderable cleanroom clothing

Charles Veith cveith at seas.upenn.edu
Wed Sep 20 08:13:40 EDT 2023

Good Morning Dennis:
         At Penn, I am on my third cleaning service in nine years and
finally successful.
Back in 2021, I was given the okay by Meredith Metzler to buy our own
garments. We spent
approximately $54,000.00 to buy 3 times the required garments to meet
demands of 150 users.
Owning our garments, we no longer had to deal with contract conditions
forced upon us by the
cleaners. These conditions are all negative for trying to keep costs under
control. (i.e. Damaged
Garment Charges and how often to do laundry).
         Also, Our garments are washed alone with no other firms included
in the cleaning or drying
process. This is a big change that ensures there is no cross contamination
with other firms
          Invoice from 8/11/2023 was $444.22, which is an every other week
cleaning. If big semi
is having their suits cleaned every other, why do we need it every week?
           Here is the break down from on Prudential Cleaning Service
         Quantity of Coveralls
         Quantity of Boots
         Quantity of Hoods
         Twice a month charge to pay off initial suit purchase
         Total cost
         Maximum cleaning per year 26. So maximum cost
         for cleaning on a yearly basis is and we own our garments
         at the end

On Tue, Sep 19, 2023 at 10:23 PM Dennis Schweiger <schweig at umich.edu> wrote:

> Good afternoon all,
> Here at the University of Michigan/LNF we've been using launderable
> garments for many years (Cintas is the provider).  We've had mostly good
> success, and our vendor has helped us to incorporate a simple suit
> modification to allow for better identification of individuals when they
> are in full garb.  As part of our due diligence for keeping costs under
> control, we'd be interested in comparing notes with other Universities that
> are also using an outside company to provide your laundry service.
> Currently our laundry costs run us about $52K/year and we're laundering
> roughly 500 pieces of clothing every week.
> Thank you,
> Dennis Schweiger
> University of Michigan/LNF
> 734.647.2055 Ofc
> "People can be divided into 3 groups - those that make things happen,
> those that watch things happen, and those that wonder what happened."
> Within which group do you belong?
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