[labnetwork] Bosch ICP etcher

Mikhail Gaevski gaevskim at Princeton.EDU
Fri Jan 11 16:39:18 EST 2008

We are planning to buy Bosch ICP etcher for deep silicon etching.
It will be great to use the same etcher also for deep SiO2 etching. The 
rest of the vendors honestly told us that the machine has to be 
dedicated to the Bosch process only. But STS company claims that their 
relatively new STS LpX Pro HRM System can be switched between these two 
different processes relatively easy and without time consuming 
recalibration and cleaning.
Does anyone on LabNet have an experience with switching between the 
Bosch process and oxide etching on a similar etching system?
Thank you for your opinions,
Mikhail Gaevski


Mikhail Gaevski, PhD
Interim Director of
the Micro/Nanofabrication Laboratory
J301 E-Quad, PRISM,
Princeton University
Olden Street, Princeton, NJ  08544

Phone: (609) 258 8234
FAX:   (609) 258 1954
e-mail: gaevskim at princeton.edu <mailto:gaevskim at princeton.edu>

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