[labnetwork] Staff time tracking methods used

John Shott shott at stanford.edu
Fri Oct 28 12:57:42 EDT 2011


We, and a number of the other labs that run Coral use that for tracking 
staff time.  There is a separation between "staff activity" (typically 
processing, tool characterization, etc) and "training" activities 
because a number of labs charge a different hourly rate based on whether 
things are training or not.  Even if they don't charge different rates, 
most folks want to be able to differentiate between training activities 
and other staff activities so that they have a better idea of how their 
limited staff resources are deployed.

As I would be unable to give you an unbiased view, I'll not comment on 
the degree to which it is a friendly and easy to use human interface.  
My guess is that some folks running Coral will tell you that that the 
user interface for charging staff time is fine .... and others will tell 
you that they dislike it.



On 10/28/2011 6:17 AM, Vito Logiudice wrote:
> Hello all,
> At this time, time spent (training, process) by our staff in 
> supporting our fab user base here at uWaterloo is tracked via pen and 
> paper. I would appreciate it if the community would kindly provide 
> insight as to the methods used at their respective facilities. For 
> example, we'd like the ability to make it very simple for staff to 
> immediately enter time spent on user support into some sort of 
> computerized, central database which is designed with a very 
> "friendly" and easy to use human interface. I'm curious if the 
> community uses home-grown solutions towards this aim or whether robust 
>  commercial solutions are being used which might serve our needs well.
> Thanks in advance for your insights and recommendations.
> Regards,
> Vito Logiudice

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