[labnetwork] cleanroom occupancy ratings

Rick Bradley rbradley at chtm.unm.edu
Thu Jan 3 12:37:59 EST 2013

Good morning Iulian,

I agree with comments from Steven Schultz, Abbie Gregg and John Shott 
that one should push for H-5 occupancy rating for future flexibility 
even though H-5 rating will cost more in the short term.

At the University of New Mexico's Center for High Technology Materials, 
we have the following occupancy ratings for our clean room and laser 
labs.  Our facility design documents are from the 1995 time frame so the 
codes on our building drawings are slightly different compared to 
today's standard. Our life safety architect informed us that the H-7 
occupancy code on our building drawings are now the equivalent of H-5 
under the current standard.

Our ~3,000 square foot cleanroom is H-5
All sixteen of our laser labs are H-5
Our chemical storage areas on the dock are H-5

All other areas in the facility are either 'B' for offices/support 
building or 'A' for lecture hall / classrooms.

I hope this information helps in your facility building campaign.



Rick Bradley
Nanoscience Lab Manager
Center for High Technology Materials
University of New Mexico
1313 Goddard, S.E.
Albuquerque, NM 87106

Phone:	505.272.7648
FAX:	505.272.7801

Iulian Codreanu wrote:
> Dear Colleagues,
> Happy New Year and thank you for all the useful feedback you have 
> provided!
> Could you please tell me/us what the occupancy rating of your 
> cleanroom is?  I am trying to convince some folks that H-5 is better 
> suited for future research flexibility than B.
> Thank you very much.
> Iulian

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