[labnetwork] Industrial Client Policies

Michael Khbeis khbeis at uw.edu
Mon Apr 4 13:41:49 EDT 2016

Dear Lab Managers, 

I am going to venture that, like us, you generally shy away, or are likely prohibited from getting involved with the business affairs of your industrial clients. Recently, we have had an uptick in employee poaching between industrial users and even a few from lab staff. I am curious if you have experienced similar challenges at your sites and what measures, if any, you employ to discourage that from happening. 

Best regards,

Dr. Michael Khbeis
Associate Director, Washington Nanofabrication Facility (WNF) 
National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure (NNCI)
University of Washington
Fluke Hall, Box 352143
(O) 206.543.5101
(F) 206.221.1681
(C) 443.254.5192
khbeis at uw.edu

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