[labnetwork] Nanostrip Storage Container

Jim Fraser jfraser96 at byu.edu
Thu Nov 3 12:56:52 EDT 2016

Hi Mason,

We have had some serious problems in the past. This was about 6 years ago. The plastic bottles cracked and leaked into the plastic bags and then into the storage cabinet. The bottles were past the expiration a few months. I called the manufacturer and they said the expiration date was set at "6 months because the bottles will rupture." The chemical shelf life is longer, but the bottles will rupture. So if they degrade and leak, "it is user error."

I was appalled by their solution to the problem. I asked them if they had ever heard of the "Audi Syndrome," but they didn't seem to get the connection. Now I store all my Nanostrip bottles in buckets.

James R Fraser
IML Manager
485 CB
Brigham Young University

From: labnetwork-bounces at mtl.mit.edu [mailto:labnetwork-bounces at mtl.mit.edu] On Behalf Of Robert Vandusen
Sent: Thursday, November 3, 2016 7:02 AM
To: Mason Risley <mrisley at andrew.cmu.edu>; labnetwork at mtl.mit.edu
Subject: Re: [labnetwork] Nanostrip Storage Container

Hi Mason.
A few years ago I got rid of the last of our Nano-Strip for the same reason.  The original plastic bottle was degrading and I was worried it was going to leak.
We may have been well past the expiry date though.  No other users have requested Nano-strip since then,  so we mix our piranha as needed.

Robert Vandusen
Microfabrication Facility Manager
Electronics Department
Carleton University
room: 4184 Mackenzie Building
613-520-2600 ext 5761
rvanduse at doe.carleton.ca<mailto:rvanduse at doe.carleton.ca>

From: labnetwork-bounces at mtl.mit.edu<mailto:labnetwork-bounces at mtl.mit.edu> [mailto:labnetwork-bounces at mtl.mit.edu] On Behalf Of Mason Risley
Sent: Wednesday, November 02, 2016 12:17 PM
To: labnetwork at mtl.mit.edu<mailto:labnetwork at mtl.mit.edu>
Subject: [labnetwork] Nanostrip Storage Container


Has anyone experienced problems with storing nanostrip solution (a stabilized form of piranha)? We recently purchased a gallon of it, the first shipment did not arrive due to "damaged packaging during shipment" the second round did in fact arrive but the bottle itself (which is just a plastic HDPE 4L chemical bottle) appears to be degrading, chemical label is completely gone and the plastic lining is - is this something that can be stored in a glass container?  It seems interesting that something specifically engineered and used for dissolving organics and removing polymers is stored in a plastic container.


Mason Risley
Process Development Engineer
Carnegie Mellon University Nanofabrication
5000 Forbes Street, Pittsburgh PA 15213
nanofab-staff at lists.andrew.cmu.edu<mailto:nanofab-staff at lists.andrew.cmu.edu> | http://www.nanofab.ece.cmu.edu/
ph: 412.268.5419 | cell : 505.795.4805

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