[labnetwork] Interlocks - what do you use?

Shuyou Li shuyou at fomnetworks.com
Mon Jul 30 22:49:14 EDT 2018

 Hi Dylan,

At FOM we design and currently manufacture relay boxes for this purpose of
resource access control. Since we have control over the entire design, from
the enclosure box to the circuit to the bits on the microcontroller, we've
been able to customize the boxes to whatever extra capabilities the
customer institution wants. These features range from across-the-board
helpful features like physical control against users messing with it and
multi-channel versions, to customer-specific features like temperature
monitoring, interfacing with a card swipe reader so users can log into the
instrument without using a separate computer, and more.

In our experience, it is not really that difficult to add features if the
core hardware and software is made with extensibility in mind. What
"next-gen" means for hardware access control depends on what the lab
actually needs, which can be vastly different across even similar labs. So,
in lieu of defining "next-gen" in terms of a list of specific features,
which would make the hardware unnecessarily complex (if only 10% of labs
using the hardware need temperature monitoring, for instance, should
temperature sensors be added to everyone's box?), we feel that "next-gen"
simply means very flexible, customizable, and extensible, to be able to
accommodate any new feature, rather than to just have a long laundry list
of existing features.

Shuyou Li, Ph.D.
FOM Networks, Inc.
Ph: (224) 225-9168
Fax: (224) 218-2807

On Mon, Jul 30, 2018 at 9:15 AM, Klomparens, Dylan L. (Fed) <
dylan.klomparens at nist.gov> wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> NIST has been using the hardware interlocks that were developed by
> Stanford, and compatible with Coral. This system has worked well for us for
> years, however we're starting to think about what a "next gen" interlock
> might look like. I would like to gather some information, to see what
> is available on the market, and what has worked well for others.
> What interlocks do you use for your fab?
>    - Make & model
>    - Do you have a URL to find more information?
> What has your experience been? Was your solution easy to customize? Did it
> meet all your requirements? Did you get any extra capability easily (such
> as data collection or sensors for monitoring the fab)?
> Please let me know if you're interested in the final results, and I can
> email the final results of this research to you.
> -- Dylan Klomparens
> NIST NanoFab
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