[labnetwork] How do you charge SBIRs?

Cornwall, Bob rgc5 at psu.edu
Sat Dec 10 13:33:50 EST 2022

For us and working with companies, whether small or large depends on the source of the money. If it’s by IR&D money it’s at the external corporate rates if it’s government pass-through in any way, shape or form it’s the internally approved rates because that is what is required by the government the government always gets the lowest rate offered.

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From: Coleman Murray <cmurray at ferrologix.com>
Sent: Saturday, December 10, 2022 1:03:03 PM
To: Cornwall, Bob <rgc5 at psu.edu>
Cc: Iulian Codreanu <codreanu at udel.edu>; Fab Network <labnetwork at mtl.mit.edu>
Subject: Re: [labnetwork] How do you charge SBIRs?

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Hey Lulian,
Not sure if this helps but speaking from the small business side with SBIR funds, we look for cleanrooms that don’t up charge so much and are willing to work with the internal rates. The indirect rates/up charge most universities impose are prohibitive for small business to engage with especially for phase I SBIRs. I believe U of A has a nice approach where they have reduced indirects for phase I and slightly higher rates for phase II SBIRs.

In our experience the up charge many academic cleanrooms were quoting led us to working with commercial partners instead because the cost for our process wasn’t that different and they had better scaling capacity.

Coleman Murray, Ph.D.

On Dec 10, 2022, at 9:06 AM, Cornwall, Bob <rgc5 at psu.edu> wrote:


At Penn State we are required to ask if this is government pass through and we get the grant number from the company and treat like a subcontract with internal government rates.  The government always gets the lowest rate.  If work from another university is industry funded, we use industry rates, if government funded we use internal/Govt rates.  SBIRS would receive our internal rate which is the lowest rate charged.


Robert Cornwall
Managing Director -
Penn State  - Materials Research Institute
rgc5 at psu.edu
C 814-571-3438
W 814-863-8735

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-----Original Message-----
From: labnetwork <labnetwork-bounces at mtl.mit.edu> On Behalf Of Iulian Codreanu
Sent: Friday, December 9, 2022 11:31 AM
To: Fab Network <labnetwork at mtl.mit.edu>
Subject: [labnetwork] How do you charge SBIRs?

Good Morning,

As most of you probably do, I have three rate structures:
-Other academic/government
-Corporate (for profit)

I am writing to solicit your input on how you handle SBIRs (where funds go from the government to a for-profit entity). Do you charge the government rate, the corporate rate, or something else? What rationale do you use when you decide? If you offer the government rate, do you require any "proof" that SBIR funds ate indeed used?

Thank you very much,


iulian Codreanu, Ph.D.
Director, Nanofabrication Facility
University of Delaware
Harker ISE Lab, Room 163
221 Academy Street
Newark, DE 19716

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