[labnetwork] who cleans your cleanroom?

Vito Logiudice vito.logiudice at uwaterloo.ca
Mon Mar 5 17:23:26 EST 2012

Dear Iulian,

While we won't be migrating to our new cleanroom until late this year, I'm
considering the possibility of training a small group of conscientious
people within our plant operations group here at the University of
Waterloo for this very task. With the exception of two modules rated class
100, most of our 6,000 sqft cleanroom will be rated class 1,000. For class
1,000, I have in the past gotten away with (ie., strained budgets) weekly
cleans of all horizontal surfaces coupled with monthly cleans of all
vertical surfaces. This was done by an experienced external contractor. We
also had one major annual clean which was also performed by this same
contractor. The cleanroom was re-certified at the end of this annual clean
with detailed particle count testing and verification of air flows at each
ceiling HEPA filter.

I too need to re-think the protocol for both our class 100 and 1,000 areas
so I look forward to hearing the community's input on this subject.

We do not have a central vacuum and will therefore likely purchase our
stand-alone vacuums from a local (Canadian) manufacturer of such units
which I have dealt with in the past with excellent results:

I recall that this vendor's costs were much lower than those of the
competition at the time.

Best regards,
Vito Logiudice  M.A.Sc., P.Eng.
Director of Operations, Quantum NanoFab
University of Waterloo
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, ON      Canada   N2L 3G1
Tel:  1-519-888-4567  ext. 38703
Email: vlogiudi at uwaterloo.ca
Website: https://qncfab.uwaterloo.ca/

On 12-03-05 1:11 PM, "Iulian Codreanu" <codreanu at seas.upenn.edu> wrote:

>Dear Fab Network,
>I am working on a cleaning plan for Penn's new cleanroom (about 10,000
>sqft of class 100 and 1,000) and I am writing to ask for your help:
>- Who does the cleaning for you: fab staff, central Facilities, external
>contractor, etc?
>- How many times a day is your Facility cleaned?
>- How often are the walls cleaned?
>- How many "general cleanings" do you have throughout the year?  Who
>does it?
>- Do you use anything else besides DI water/IPA to mop the floors?
>- If you do not have central vacuum, what vacuum cleaners have you had
>good experiences with?
>- What precautions should one take when cleaning raised floors?
>Thank you very much for your help.
>iulian Codreanu, Ph.D.
>Director, Penn NanoFab
>200 South 33rd Street
>Room 376 GRW Bldg
>Philadelphia, PA 19104-6314
>P: 215-898-9308
>F: 215-573-2068
>labnetwork mailing list
>labnetwork at mtl.mit.edu

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