[labnetwork] KOH Tank Design

Tony L Olsen tony.olsen at utah.edu
Mon Jul 22 18:03:13 EDT 2013

Dear Labnetwork

We are building a new wet bench and would like to include a dedicated KOH etch bath to replace the current methodology of glassware with stir bars on a hotplate.  We generally use a bath of 80°C.
Our wetbench vendor initially quoted a recirculated bath in a stainless steel tank.  We are concerned about the stainless, nor do we believe the Teflon or PVDF wetted surfaces in the proposed diaphragm pump will hold up to the hot KOH.  Another option we are aware of is a quartz tank heated externally by recirculated water.  I'm certain there are other options, too.
Can you share your experience with dedicated KOH baths?  What is the configuration?  What are the materials?  How do you mix/stir the bath?  What problems have you experienced?  What would you do next time?

Thank You,

Tony Olsen
Nanofab Cleanroom Supervisor/Process Engineer
36 S Wasatch Dr, Suite 2500 SMBB
Salt Lake City,  UT  84112
801-587-0651 office
801-587-3077 fax

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