[labnetwork] High accuracy temperature probe and transmitter

Iulian Codreanu codreanu at udel.edu
Tue Jan 6 16:54:20 EST 2015

Dear Colleagues,

I need your help to identify the make/model of a temperature probe and 
transmitter combination to achieve the following specs for the room that 
will house the e-beam writer (Vistec EBPG 5200):
-Setpoint: 20 C
-Stability: +/-0.25 C
-Rate of change: <0.1 C/hr

The engineer recommends a 0.04 C accuracy but the controls contractor 
cannot find such a thing.  They did find a RTD probe with Class 1/10 DIN 
accuracy from Omega that meets the spec; however, the accuracy of the 
transmitter that comes with the RTD is only 0.2 C.

The transmitter must be able to provide an analog output to the BAS.

Any controls-related words of wisdom would also be much appreciated.

Thank you very much.


iulian Codreanu, Ph.D.
Director of Operations, UD NanoFab
163 ISE Lab
221 Academy Street
Newark, DE 19716

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